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  Hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital see haemorrhoid reason - people say "ten nine hemorrhoids" male "ten female hemorrhoid", this is also our basis to accumulate day resume, thus piles is how widely. Hemorrhoids so widely exist, of course, there is a must elements, see below how anorectal hospital said.

杭州医博肛泰医院痔疮原因-人都说“十男九痔”“十女十痔”,这也是我们依据日子履历累积下来的说法,由此可见痔疮是多么的广泛。当然痔疮这么广泛的存在也是有必定要素的,下面看看 肛肠医院是怎样说的。









  提示:痔疮问题是会随之时刻的推移变严峻的,掌握好治疗的好时刻就是治疗的关键所在,我院医生充分利用设备为患者朋友们供应专业的治疗,提前处理痔疮问题,提前恢复健康的身体与家人同享夸姣日子。Hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital see haemorrhoid reason - people say "ten nine hemorrhoids" male "ten female hemorrhoid", this is also our basis to accumulate day resume, thus piles is how widely. Hemorrhoids so widely exist, of course, there is a must elements, see below how anorectal hospital said.

Hangzhou medical bo anus tai hemorrhoids reason in the hospital.
1) owe good shit habits: hangzhou medical bo anus tai hemorrhoids reason in the hospital on the toilet hole reading a newspaper now, squats and defecate time extension, brief constitute the anus in the cecum blood stasis and cause disease.
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(2) abnormal stool: hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital see haemorrhoid causes diarrhea and constipation are important causes of hemorrhoids, constipation is big, the root of long time accumulation of excrement and urine, influence the blood circulation, cause hemorrhoids.
(3) diet: hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital see piles in daily life, drink little, long time to drink or to eat spicy food, with wine and spicy things can affect the digestive tract mucosa, vasodilation, brief form tumors.
(4) occupational reasons: long time long time sit or stand. Due to sit upright or posture, anal cecum in the lower part of the body, hemorrhoid venous return.
Hemorrhoids for other reasons: hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital see hemorrhoids cause (1) slow disease: nutrients such as long time owe good, physically weak, cause anal sphincter lax. (2) physiological reasons: colon stay inside the food residue. (3) anatomical reasons: lack of venous flap in appendix iv, blood easily YuJi, brief constitute hemorrhoid.
Hangzhou medical bo anus tai hemorrhoids reason in the hospital -"
Tip: hemorrhoids problem is with the passage of time become serious, grasp the good treatment of the good time is a key to treatment, our experts make full use of the equipment supply professional treatment for patients with friends, deal with hemorrhoids problem ahead of time, early recovery of the body is Shared with family boast one day.


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