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  杭州医博肛泰医院痔疮的事信任一般人们都听过痔疮这个疾病,由于逾越一半的人都是有痔疮疾病的,由于天然生成的和后天的一些要素导致了痔疮的发生,但很多人都没有对痔疮引起重视,是由于他们没有真实的了解痔疮的危害,下面 肛肠医院为咱们介绍:Hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital said hemorrhoids trust people have heard this diseases, hemorrhoids due to overstep, half of them are hemorrhoids disease due to natural and acquired some of the factors led to the occurrence of hemorrhoids, but many people do not have to hemorrhoids caused take seriously, is because they have no real understanding of the dangers of hemorrhoids, anorectal hospital as we introduce below:

Hangzhou medical anus tai hospital saying that the piles, the following popular science for patients with friends.











1, owe good habits: shit on the toilet hole reading a newspaper now, squats and defecate time extension, briefly anal rectum disease caused blood stasis.

2, abnormal stool: diarrhea and constipation are important causes of hemorrhoids. Constipation is big, the root of rectum for toxic substances for a long time not only can cause colorectal cancer, and the accumulation of excrement and urine, affect the circulation of the blood.
3, slow disease: such as long time owe good nutrition, frail, cause anal sphincter laches. Long time slow, bronchitis, emphysema, composed abdominal pressure rise, cough and gasp the pelvic blood stasis. Slow hepatitis, cirrhosis, diarrhea, colitis and so on are all anorectal disease cause.
4, diet: fine coarse food quality, quantity and change of the vegetable varieties of increase and decrease, protein, fat, starch, cellulose content, such as how much, water intake phenomenon, can directly affect the waste composition, lead to the anorectal disease.
5, anatomical reasons: the anal vein and vena cava in rectum bottom, there are many venous plexus and conjunction, the venous wall thin and resistance to pressure, rectal submucosal arrangement is loose, is advantageous to the extension of varicose vein deformation, a brief form hemorrhoid.
Hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital said hemorrhoids - mixed hemorrhoids harm to the body?
A, hangzhou bo anus tai hospital said hemorrhoids - anal function abnormal. Will accordingly, on the one hand, lead to the anus contracture, defecate difficulty; On the other hand infringement of sphincter, easily lead to the anus incontinence.
Second, hangzhou bo anus tai hospital said hemorrhoids - skin eczema. Due to hemorrhoids block out sphincter slack, mucus flow outside the anus affect the surrounding skin, easy to cause itching and skin eczema.
Three, hangzhou bo anus tai hospital said hemorrhoids - leading to sepsis, blood poisoning and sepsis. Once anal abscess, infection of the anus, bleeding symptoms occur, bacteria, toxins, pus, chuan is a brief invade the blood caused by sepsis, blood poisoning and blood poisoning.
Four, hangzhou bo anus tai hospital said hemorrhoids - easy to plant nerve disorder. Can cause the waist, epiphyseal bones, pain that after place, also can cause reflex function disorder urogenital system.


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