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  See "hemorrhoids hemorrhoids hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital" is already a big ear topic in life. Can tell hemorrhoids is now anorectal diseases of high rate of disease in anorectal diseases, so patients must advance to prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids, assuming that once a bloody, anal pain, itching, emerge, such as anal discomfort, must go to normal hospital seeing a doctor in a timely manner.









1, make a row 1 times a day, defecate is not beyond 5 minutes every time, morning drink 1 cup of cold water, insisted that shit up; Do not long endure, squat toilet stool time is too long or too hard, reading books and newspapers, etc.
Part 2, to strengthen the body and the anus exercise, enhanced physique, keep optimistic mood, mentality piton; Correct the bad posture, prevent sedentary, long station, long lines, strengthen the part function exercises, such as "the anus movement".
3, should pay attention to treat the primary disease, such as high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, cirrhosis of the liver, heart disease, diabetes, patients with abdominal cavity lesions such as a brief induced tumors, to adopt the useful way to heal in time, prevent illness and disease.
4, to pay attention to diet scheduling, eliminate constipation, can eat more foods rich in soluble fiber, such as oats, whole grains and brown rice, vegetables and fruit; Do not eat too much pepper, spirits, betel nut, such as stimulating food, eat less fruit were mentioned, such as mango, durian, litchi, longan, etc.
5, to know progress of hemorrhoids and other anorectal diseases, hemorrhoids is disease, should be timely treatment; Don't ignore the scientific cure of hemorrhoids.
6, to stick to the anus clean, wash anus after each bowel movement, especially diarrhoea, usually just take a bath with warm water, frequently change underwear; Don't use cleaner or too rough toilet paper or paper wiping the anus, prevent scratch cause infection.


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