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  Hangzhou bo anus tai hospital is public hospital - hemorrhoids what complications? Women hemorrhoids complications: because the external piles is a long ball outside the anus, blocking the anus. When there are gases, due to the air pressure is not strong, often suppress inside the gas. Fart is the body's emissions, mostly carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane. Exist for a long period of time in waste gas, the density will result in small abdominal distension, may lead to vascular compression strength.



  1, because external piles is long ball outside the anus, blocking the anus. When there are gases, due to the air pressure is not strong, often suppress inside the gas. Fart is the body's emissions, mostly carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane. Exist for a long period of time in waste gas, the density will result in small abdominal distension, may lead to vascular compression strength affect the normal heart shrunk, easy to have a blood supply shortage, etc., for example, dizziness, brain, women hemorrhoids complications, such as weak.

2, because when suffering, simmered inconvenient, vicious circle, whether can cause liver, kidney disease, female hemorrhoids complications such as anal fissure, colon tumors.
3, external piles haemorrhoids outside the anus, secretions increase, induce pruritus anus or anal eczema. Female patients and thus cause disease of department of gynaecology women also hemorrhoids complications.
4, external piles, although there are not easily bleeding, the claim but does not mean there is no bleeding may, in the external piles was abraded or bleed after inflammation, women's stool for a long time can lead to anemia hemorrhoids complications.
5, and perhaps bloody crissum the belly is the symptom of external piles, but assumes that thought bloody or crissum any belly unwell is hemorrhoids, paralysis, delayed disease intestinal tumors of reality, then better cure time loss


 杭州医博肛泰医院是不是公立医院 长时间的体内存在着废气,密度过大会导致小腹胀气,或许导致血管受压强度大影响心脏的正常抽缩,易有供血短少等,例如,头昏,脑涨,无力等女性痔疮并发症情况。







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