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  About hemorrhoids - hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital anus bowel hospital is introduced: in the modern society, due to the progress of people life level, followed by people of life pressure increase, this also led to many homework often stay up late to work overtime, and then lead to some diseases, and hemorrhoids is a very serious disease, many of the symptoms of hemorrhoids disease patients with hematochezia, so should be how to treat the disease?

杭州医博肛泰医院说说痔疮- 肛肠医院介绍:杭州医博肛泰医院说说痔疮在现代社会,由于人们日子水平的进步,随之而来的是人们日子压力的加大,这也导致了许多人的作业常常的熬夜加班,然后导致了一些疾病的产生,而痔疮就是一种十分严峻的疾病,许多的痔疮疾病患者都带有便血的症状,那么这种疾病应当怎样医治呢?


  (1)一般医治 适用于绝大部分的痔,杭州医博肛泰医院说说痔疮包括血栓性和嵌顿性痔的初期。留心饮食,忌酒和辛辣影响食物,添加纤维性食物,多摄入果蔬、多饮水,改动不良的排便习气,坚持大便晓畅,必要时服用缓泻剂,便后清洗肛门。关于脱垂型痔,留心用手悄悄托回痔块,阻止再脱出。避免久坐久立,进行恰当运动,睡前温热水坐浴等。

  (2)部分用药医治 已被广泛选用,杭州医博肛泰医院说说痔疮药物包括栓剂、膏剂和洗剂,大都含有中药成分。

  (3)口服药物医治 一般选用医治静脉曲张的药物杭州医博肛泰医院说说痔疮

  (4)打针办法 对Ⅰ、Ⅱ度出血性内痔效果较好杭州医博肛泰医院说说痔疮;将硬化剂打针于黏膜下层静脉丛周围,使引起炎症反应及纤维化,然后压闭曲张的静脉。

  (5)物理办法 激光医治、冷冻办法、杭州医博肛泰医院说说痔疮直流电办法和铜离子电化学办法、微波热凝办法、红外线凝聚医治,较少用。

  (6)胶骗局扎 套扎痔根部,阻断其血供以使痔坠落坏死;杭州医博肛泰医院说说痔疮适用于II、III度内痔,关于巨大的内痔及纤维化内痔更适合。

1. Non-surgical treatment
(1) general treatment is suitable for the vast majority of hemorrhoid, including the early stage of thrombosis and incarcerated hemorrhoid. Pay attention to diet, avoid alcohol and spicy food, adding fibrous food, eat more fruits and vegetables, drink more, change bad habits, defecate insisted that shit up, when it is necessary to take delay evacuant, toilet, wash the anus. About hemorrhoids prolapse type, pay attention to by hand quietly back to the main block, block out again. Avoid sitting for a long time, proper motion, warm water to take a bath before sleep, etc.
(2) part of the medical treatment has been widely chosen, suppositories, cream and lotion, contains the Chinese native medicine ingredient mostly.
(3) oral drugs to cure heal varicose veins is generally selected drugs.
(4) injection therapy for Ⅰ, Ⅱ bleeding hemorrhoids effect is better; Hardener injections in the submucosa around venous plexus, cause inflammation and fibrosis, then close your varicose veins.
(5) physical therapy laser treatment, cryotherapy, dc and copper ion electrochemistry therapy, microwave heat coagulation therapy, infrared condense to heal, and less use.
(6) glue scam ligation hemorrhoid root, blocking the blood supply to make hemorrhoids necrosis fall; Suitable for II, III, hemorrhoids, about huge hemorrhoids is more suitable for hemorrhoids and fibrosis.


  (1)手术指征 保存医治无效,痔脱出严峻,较大纤维化内痔、杭州医博肛泰医院说说痔疮打针等医治不佳,兼并肛裂肛瘘等;

  (2)手术准则 通过手术使脱垂肛垫复位,尽可能保存肛垫的结构杭州医博肛泰医院说说痔疮,然后术后尽可能少地影响精细控便才华;

  (3)术前预备 内痔外表有溃疡、感染时,先行通便、温热水坐浴保存医治,杭州医博肛泰医院说说痔疮溃疡愈合后再手术;做肠道预备。



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