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  Gastroscopy is now as almost all of upper gastrointestinal tract disease detection and diagnosis of the gold standard, in particular, can improve the discovery rate of early gastric cancer and esophageal cancer. At the same time also can do under gastroscope treatment, this help is very much on the patients. But for the understanding of the gastroscope, many people still exist some misunderstandings, feel afraid for gastroscopy. Hangzhou bo anus tai hospital treat




  Myth: breath test can replace gastroscope

  With helicobacter pylori infection in gastroduodenal diseases are unified in understanding the role, many medical units to carry out a breath test to detect helicobacter pylori infection. But the role of breath test is only detecting helicobacter pylori infection. Hangzhou bo anus tai hospital treat

  Breath test negative is not equal to no stomach trouble, in fact, part of the chronic superficial gastritis, atrophic gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, or cancer of the stomach can not helicobacter pylori infection, or by taking certain medications affect helicobacter pylori detection and false negative. Breath test positive nor can determine what kind of stomach trouble. So breath test can't replace gastroscopy, want to know what kind of stomach trouble, need gastroscopy.




  Myth 2: gastroscopy is very painful

  Patients with dyspepsia symptoms to hospital, the doctor will often requires a gastroscopy patients. Some patients can have pain because of fear of gastroscopy, and indecision. In fact, with the constant improvement of the quality of gastroscope mirror (a finer and more soft, better handling) and skilled operation doctor technology, half of the patients with only mild discomfort while undergoing gastroscopy. Hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital general skilled doctors in 3-5 minutes to complete the gastroscopy (including photo, take a biopsy operation), with complex patients rarely more than 10 minutes. So most patients are able to withstand.

  The promotion and implementation of the painless gastroscope offers more endoscopic examination. Anesthesia time is not long, work fast, recover faster, drugs did not accumulate in the body, after check will soon be awake, there is little influence to the human body. Let the painless stomach did "safe, comfortable".



  Myth 3: gastroscopy can aggravate bleeding

  Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is one of the indications of gastroscopy, but when doctors to mobilize patients do gastroscope examination, some patients and family members will have concerns, worry gastroscopy can aggravate bleeding. In fact this kind of worry is unnecessary.



  Myth 5: young people don't need to do gastroscope

  Young people stomach trouble for gastroscopy depends on the symptoms, and the curative effect of local gastric cancer incidence of a disease and after treatment. When patients have warning symptoms include gastrointestinal bleeding or anemia, difficulty swallowing, angular or repeated vomiting.


  , of course, some less faorable outcomes after treatment of young patients also needs to make gastroscope inspection, in order to make clear condition, for disease treatment. Because the stomach cancer patients may not have alarm symptoms, relatively high incidence of gastric cancer, and gastroscopy costs are relatively low, so in order to avoid misdiagnosis and stomach cancer, gastroscopy indications should be relaxed, including most indigestion young man should also do gastroscopy. Hangzhou bo anus tai hospital treat



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