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  Hangzhou medical formal Po anus tai hospital, see hemorrhoids. Piles in all have no too much damage, the effects of people is very small, but is a different piles in the late, late to hemorrhoids can surely bring to the human body damage.










1, anemia: hemorrhoids disease cause of iron in the human body constantly lose, if stool for a long time, lost a lot of iron, the amount of iron in the body below the normal, hangzhou medical formal Po anus tai hospital, see hemorrhoids can cause iron-deficiency anemia. Early iron deficiency anaemia can no symptoms or subtle symptoms, anemia, heavier or carry out faster, will present the pale, boredom, fatigue, loss of appetite, heart palpitations, heart rate, and shortness of breath after physical activity, edema, etc., some patients can present neurological symptoms such as easily excited, excited, be agitated, etc.
2, incarcerated: another major symptoms of hemorrhoids hemorrhoids prolapse, emergence of hemorrhoids by outside the anus sphincter clamping, hangzhou medical formal Po anus tai hospital, see hemorrhoids venous return obstruction and arterial blood continues to input, make haemorrhoids volume increases until the artery was closed, blood clots form presents the haemorrhoids, harden pain is back to the anus. Traditional view that "strangulation hemorrhoids, external piles constitute a thrombus but clinical see more see so much pain, hangzhou medical formal Po anus tai hospital, see haemorrhoid when haemorrhoids out can't back to also called" incarcerated hemorrhoid ", long-term haemorrhoids, also can present lesions.
3, necrosis, haemorrhoids, outside the anus, due to a series of pathological changes part of the metabolic products piled up, hangzhou medical formal Po anus tai hospital, see the piles further anal edema, increased the incarcerated hemorrhoid nuclear. This is a vicious circle, so long hemorrhoids incarcerated day must present necrosis, and at the moment of necrosis often bound in mucous membrane is part of the haemorrhoids, but also have infringed other parts of the body.
4, infection: after nuclear incarcerated hemorrhoid, there are many different levels of infection present tenesmus, hangzhou bo anus tai normal hospital, see haemorrhoid anal belly significant symptoms such as feeling, this moment infection bound in anal part, assuming that powerful reposition easy infection and cause submucosal crissum or ischial rectal fossa abscess.


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