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  "Hemorrhoids" is already a big topic for days in the ear. Can see haemorrhoid is now anorectal diseases of high rate of disease in anorectal diseases, so patients must want to advance the production of hemorrhoids, if once found bloody, anal pain, itching, emerge, such as anal discomfort, must go to normal hospital seeing a doctor in a timely manner.








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1) hemorrhoids symptoms: produce the tubing in the dentate line above for hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids pain commonly, so that blood, haemorrhoids emerge as the primary symptom, serious when can't HaiNa after spray blood, hernia of haemorrhoids, unclean and defecate difficulty, toilet brush, a fall bilge feeling, etc.
According to hemorrhoids and degree of pathological changes and clinical can be divided into three period: a period of hemorrhoids during defecation with blood, and without prolapse, tooth line nodules mucosa hog; When the second phase of hemorrhoids is with blood, blood, or ejection, hernia of haemorrhoids, then empress can HaiNa; The third phase of hemorrhoids defecation or cough, fatigue, weight cause abdominal pressure added, have hemorrhoids prolapse, and need to use hand HaiNa; Phase iv hemorrhoids haemorrhoids out after defecate, also can't back, with the hand, or after HaiNa comeback again.
(2) external hemorrhoid symptoms: external piles located below, is the primary symptoms with pain, lumps, around the anus with different sizes, shapes of leather fat. According to its pathological features, and can be divided into varicose veins, connective tissue, thrombosis, and inflammatory four.
Of which the most common inflammatory external piles, the primary embodied in anal skin fold edge protrusions, inflamed hot pain, edema, hyperemia significantly, with tenderness, pain during defecation is aggravating, and there are a few secretion, some may be accompanied by the whole body is unwell and fever.
(3) mixed hemorrhoid symptoms: both external piles in two layers of features, clinical hernia of rectal mucous membrane and skin, repeated infection, the belly, suffering for the primary symptoms.
Check the confirmed? Click: consulting online < < <
Anorectal hospital warm prompt: if you have symptoms of suspected, please timely to normal hospital cleaning or treatment, so as not to miss treatment time.


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