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  Hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital of formal? Patients with anorectal hospital consultation: I am a sophomore students, will go to the toilet often bloody recently, widens the time feeling special ache, then and every toilet feel get bigger, emerging got hemorrhoids is feeling? Don't know what hemorrhoids have harm? How do you treat haemorrhoid?


  很多人被痔疮疾病困扰,杭州医博肛泰医院的正规吗有些人都不知道怎样治疗,采纳哪些办法才是好的,不知道治疗痔疮要多少钱?今 肛肠医院医生来给我们做详细阐明。







1, external piles haemorrhoids: outside the anus secretions increase, induce pruritus anus or anal eczema. About women more harmful external hemorrhoid patients, because it will lead to the woman's other disease of department of gynaecology, constitute a great threat to the health of women.
2, anemia: external piles have not easy bleeding that does not mean that there is no bleeding may, however, in the external piles was abraded or bleed after inflammation, stool for a long time can lead to anemia
3, because then the pain: simmered inconvenience, a vicious cycle, after all, can guide anal fissure, colon tumor, etc.
4, your breath: due to the external hemorrhoids is long ball outside the anus, plug the anus. When there is gas occurs, because the air pressure is not strong, often suppress inside the gas. Exist for a long period of time in waste gas, the density will result in small abdominal distension, or lead to vascular compression strength affect the normal heart shrunk, easy to have a lack of blood supply, etc., for example, dizziness, brain, weak, and so on and so forth.
Patients with anorectal hospital insists on the service is supreme, the spirit of all for the sake of the service concept, adhere to give convenience to patients, give the benefits to patients, leave the warmth with patients; Build respect, understand the service idea, comprehensive quality management, the healthy state medical quality guarantee system, strictly enforce national standards, implement transparent charge, debunk fees, reasonable fees. Put all offer broad patients back to hefei. Detailed answers for you!


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