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  Hangzhou medical Po which on anus tai hospital? Which hospital see the hemorrhoids hemorrhoids must have most of what is going on friend is still very vague. Hemorrhoids, refers to the human body end of the rectum mucosa and anal canal skin expansion venous plexus happen and let it soft vein group, called the hemorrhoid, also called hemorrhoids, haemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, etc.

杭州医博肛泰医院哪靠谱吗.哪家医院看痔疮好  痔疮究竟是怎么回事想必大部分朋友仍是很模糊的。痔疮,是指人体直肠末端粘膜下和肛管皮肤下静脉丛发生扩张和委曲所构成的柔软静脉团,称为痔,又叫痔疮、痔核、痔病、痔疾等。








Pain: simple hemorrhoids, there is no pain, sometimes just feeling anal belly or bowel problems. Such as inflammation swelling, hemorrhoids with blood clots form or incarcerated, is suffering; If no timely reset hernia, pain intensified; If produce incarcerated, festering necrosis, cause oedema of anal edge surrounding skin inflammation, intense pain, patients on pins and needles.
Mucus flow: rectal mucosa long influenced by hemorrhoids, cause secretion; Advanced hemorrhoids, anal sphincter slack, discharge from the anus. Light out when defecate, heavy when not defecate is naturally flow out. Hemorrhoids prolapse, the secretion will be more.
SAO is urticant: because of the secretions or out the influence of the haemorrhoids, make the skin around the anus wet all day long, lead to the occurrence of eczema and itching.
Anorectal hospital chooses the RPH hemorrhoids ligation is a kind of automatically by ligation and realize automatic operation. By COOK haemorrhoid gun in tooth line of 1.5 to 3 cm above the appropriate position will be a special set of synthetic on the base of hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids mucosa, through aprons austerity, ground, blocking blood or reduce venous reversal, hemorrhoids reduce hyperemia obese or hemorrhoids blood stasis, ischemia, atrophy, necrosis, dropping ligation arrangement.
Treatment principle: after ligation of mucous membrane stretch, anal mat, hemorrhoids retraction, partial inflammation causes mucous membrane and mucous membrane at the grass-roots level and shallow adhesion, anal cushion is fixed in a higher position, avoid anal prolapse and hemorrhoids repeatedly, partially blocks hemorrhoids blood supply or reduce venous reversal, reduce congestion obese or hemorrhoids blood stasis, to shrink hemorrhoids piece, after ligation of reduce the backflow of hemorrhoid artery or vein.


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