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  Hemorrhoids, was born in tooth line above, by submucosal hemorrhoid venous plexus in soft extension of varicose vein group, called hemorrhoids, edema is suffering. And bleeding hemorrhoids is a significant symptoms, then, tell us something about hemorrhoids bleeding injury by anorectal hospital doctors have what.




  1、有苦楚的感觉:杭州肛泰医院单纯内痔,一般不痛,有时仅感觉肛门部坠胀或排便困难、如发炎肿胀者, 痔内有血栓构成或嵌顿,则有苦楚;如脱出未及时复位者,则苦楚加剧;如发生嵌顿,有溃烂坏死 ,引起肛缘发炎水肿,杭州肛泰医院则苦楚剧烈,患者坐立不安。

  2、导致脱出损害很大:因为痔核体积增大,排便时遭到粪便的揉捏,使其逐步与肌层别离而 脱出肛外,有时是1--2痔核一起脱出,有时是悉数痔核并带有直肠粘膜一齐脱出。开端仅在排便时脱出,便后能自行复位、症状较重者杭州肛泰医院,脱出后需用手推回,或卧床休息,方能复位 、症状严重者,除排便时脱出外,凡用力,行走,咳嗽,喷嚏,下蹲等,都或许脱出杭州肛泰医院、脱出的痔核 ,极易受感染,每因发炎,水肿,苦楚而发生嵌顿,致使复位困难。

  3、便血以及相对应的损害:排便中或便后出血,色鲜红,有时大便表面附有少量血液,或将手纸 染红,杭州肛泰医院有时为滴血或射血、因为粪便擦破粘膜,或因排便时过于用力,血管内压力增高,致使曲张 静脉血管破裂,便时则有喷发状出血、如长时间重复出血,或屡次大量出血者,还可引起贫血。

1, have the feeling of pain: simple hemorrhoids, usually painless, sometimes just feeling anal department belly or defecation difficulties, such as inflammation swelling, form or incarcerated hemorrhoid with thrombosis, is suffering; Such as emergence not reset in a timely manner, intensifying is suffering; If produce incarcerated, festering necrosis, cause anal edge inflammatory edema, is suffering severe, patients on pins and needles.
, hernia of lead to damage is very big: for haemorrhoids volume increase, kneading by feces during defecation, make its gradually and muscle layer separation and outside emergence anus, sometimes it is 1-2 haemorrhoids out together, sometimes entire haemorrhoids with rectal mucosa out together. Beginning only emerge when defecate, the toilet will reset itself, symptom heavy, need to use hand back after emergence, or stay in bed, can reset, severe cases, except when defecate out every hard, walk, coughing, sneezing, squat, etc., all may emerge, emerge haemorrhoids, highly vulnerable to infections, each due to inflammation, edema, pain and incarcerated, causing dislocation.
3, bloody, and the corresponding damage: defecation or bleeding, toilet, color red, sometimes surface with a small amount of stool blood, or toilet paper red, sometimes blood or ejection, because waste chafes mucous membrane, or because of too hard during defecation, increased pressure within the blood vessels, causing varicose veins burst, then when the eruption hemorrhage, such as long time repeated bleeding, or repeated a large number of bleeding, also can cause anemia.


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