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  Hemorrhoids with some sedentary long the station, hangzhou bo anus tai hospital cure hemorrhoids within days of irregular more professionals who are diseased, and meantime car drivers, white-collar workers, a barber, salesman, police and other incidence is highest, 81.7%; To 71.5%, followed by the cadres; Workers (hard physical labor the author) is 70.3%; The farmer is 62%; The samurai is 32.6%; The students is 19.2%. Long standing, sitting, walking for a long time wait for a phenomenon, make human body in a fixed posture for a long time, can affect the blood circulation, pelvic blood accumulation inside, make the hemorrhoid venous hyperemia, varicose, hog, increased risk, leading to the onset of hemorrhoids. Workers often changing positions, vivid and active young farmers, warriors, to participate in a variety of postures work, because of its less blood circulation obstruction, anorectal local hyperemia not easily, so the disease is less.

痔疮以一些久坐久站、杭州医博肛泰医院治内痔疮日子不规则的职业人士患病者居多,其间轿车司机、白领、理发师、售货员、民警等发病,为81.7%;其次为干部,为 71.5%;工人(重体力劳作者)为70.3%;农民为62%;武士为32.6%;学生为19.2%。久站、久坐、行走等现象,使人体处于一种固定的姿势,会影响血液循环,盆腔内血液淤积,使痔静脉充血、曲张、拱起,则导致痔疮的发病机率增加。杭州医博肛泰医院内痔疮常常变换体位的工作者,生动好动的青年人、武士、参加多种体位劳作的农民,因其血液循环妨碍少,肛肠局部不易充血,所以发病者少。




In recent years, with people life style change gradually, the onset of hemorrhoids crowd has a trend of younger age, 20-40 s young and middle-aged incidence increased significantly. Especially office workers, white-collar workers, teachers, secretaries, computer operators, modify, such as "office workers".
Why do haemorrhoid "offset" these people? "Sedentary" in the way. Keep sitting position for a long time, especially when sitting on a soft seat, abdominal blood flow speed will slow, lower limb venous blood can't return, the circulation of blood was thwarted, in this case, the rectal venous plexus prone to varicose, blood sedimentation, eventually forming a vein group, this is hemorrhoids. Together, sedentary for a long time can make anus department shortage of activity, make the anus department muscle elasticity decreased, shorten the strength weakening, rectal mucosa decline, the same can also lead to hemorrhoids generate or hemorrhoids.
According to the specific symptoms of hemorrhoids hemorrhoids therapy to draw up, expert advice note: in the daily life hard sit on the bench; On time defecate, the best in the morning get up immediately after defecation, once has the meaning is the toilet in time; Prevent dry stool and constipation; Eat more fresh vegetables; Eat less acrimony excitant food, such as to prevent a lot of alcohol, to professional anorectal hospital for colon hydrotherapy of enteritis, chronic constipation, diarrhea and other anorectal diseases have a very good effect, but also for skin diseases, obesity, acne and also have very good effect, and other found piles to timely to normal specialized subject hospital.


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