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  Hangzhou medical science Po anus tai hospital hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids to defecate bleeding, swollen content emergence, anal belly, anal pain, itching, as the main symptoms, is common in the days of a high incidence of anorectal disease. So, what cause hemorrhoids happen? If there is useful to prevent hemorrhoids occur during the day?











After anorectal hospital expert introduction: human rectal submucosal and anal canal skin venous plexus occurred under the expansion and force of soft vein group, called the hemorrhoid, also known as hemorrhoids, haemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, etc.
Common cause hemorrhoids occur with the following:
: 1, constipation defecate time is too long or diarrhea for a long time, can make the increased abdominal pressure, anal rectum hyperemia, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and even can cause rectum mucosa and muscle layer out respectively, anal canal down, along with the feces of short piles.
2, the shortcomings of the physiological structure and vertical position: stand or sit straight body, anus bearing is low, the influence of gravity, the anus rectum vein blood flow blocked, rectal vein and its branches without venous flap, on blood YuJi briefly, and rectal blood vessels put special, in different plane through the muscularis brief faecal squeezing, make the submucosal vein brief extension of loose arrangement, varicose and hemorrhoids. So some people say that piles is unique to human disease.
3, infection factors: anal sinusitis, anal gland infection, crissum abscess, dysentery, enteritis, intestinal parasitic disease, colitis and so on, which can cause an inflammation in the rectum bottom arranged around, hemorrhoids overworked, inflammation, make the hemorrhoid venous wall brittle, secondary angiectasis hyperemia and cause or aggravate hemorrhoids.
4, portal hypertension, liver cirrhosis, portal vein thrombosis, inflammation, can lead to portal hypertension, and because of the portal vein system lacks the venous flap, can result in higher pressure of hemorrhoid venous plexus, directly cause hemorrhoids.
5, anal sphincter slack: infirm and multiple damage to the patients with sphincter shape structure, the anus surgery for sphincter weakness exacerbated hemorrhoids prolapse.
6, pregnancy and birth: pregnant women and fetal squeezing pelvic vein, the venous return, anal rectum vasodilation, due to the increasing content of progesterone in the body, together constitute water sodium retention, vasodilation and trigger tumors.
7, genetic elements: about genetic elements, with the concept of western medicine is not yet, need further verification. Some people think that higher incidence of tumors in a clan, may be associated with genetic factors.


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