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  Hemorrhoids surgery pay attention to? Human venous plexus under submucosal end of rectum and anal canal skin expansion and far-fetched of soft vein group, called hemorrhoids, also known as hemorrhoids, haemorrhoids. Back and will brief general hemorrhoids surgery, hemorrhoids postoperative bowel movements should be careful what?




        The squat toilet time is too long a brief lead to the anus or traumatic bleeding. Patients according to their usual defecation and every time after the operation, the quantity of defecation to identifying whether own shit a row of net. Like shit quantity is more, for the first time also is soft, and each time the quantity is little or no waste discharge, may be is caused by inflammation effects of meaning is, should reduce stool frequency, or timely inform you own condition, inherit the physician.



    Clean operation field, try not to use fruit guide class guide laxative, otherwise it will increase the intestinal peristalsis, postoperative loose stool to the rectum, constitute a shit is hard to control. After 24 hours, in order to normal bowel movements, prevent the anus trauma narrowed, defecation pain, should practice using laxative, after surgery to make defecate can easy to discharge, and forming from contaminated wounds, choose oral maren runchang pill every night after 2 more pills, or bowel movements before using the method of open plug dew.


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