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  Hemorrhoids drag died. Ten nine hemorrhoids hemorrhoids "in the world is now in our side, many people will be very odd to ask me how to get haemorrhoid? I don't know hemorrhoids long what kind? So many people been beset by hemorrhoids but don't know the solution. Now let's see anorectal hospital experts is how to explain the reason of the piles.

痔疮久拖不治会如何.十人九痔”痔疮现在现已遍及在咱们的身边存在,好多人会很古怪的问我怎样会得痔疮呢?我都不知道痔疮长什么样?好多人被痔疮所困扰却又不知所解。现在来看看 肛肠医院医生是怎样说明痔疮的原因的。








A, habitual constipation: accumulated in the rectum and dry straight poop squeezing through the intestinal wall muscle layer of vein, blood flow back. Due to the difficult defecation squat toilet too long, or forcibly defecate and add the intra-abdominal pressure, also make the venous plexus injury easily blood.
Two, for a long time become weak: venous wall thin, lax, vein is easy to expand, especially due to the work to be sedentary, more of hemorrhoids.
Three, infection of the lower rectum and anal canal slowly: cause partial hyperemia, vein wall can also be due to inflammation and fibrosis, lose flexibility, easy to expand. Hemorrhoids, therefore, see more at flow field have diarrhoea, slow colitis patient: for similar reasons, like eating spicy affect sexual food and drink for a long time, such as short of hemorrhoids.
Four, intra-abdominal increased venous pressure: portal vein is blocked, the collateral circulation of the lower rectum and anal canal expanded varicose vein, such as cirrhosis, pregnancy, lower abdominal tumor. Bang Hang calculi, urethra, prostate disease patients, narrow because of dysuria, hard to pass urine, increase intra-abdominal pressure often, also a brief hemorrhoids.
What are piles of damage?
Hemorrhoids drag don't cure, can cause haemorrhoids out incarcerated, aggravate the pain and illness, and anal infection, once the bleeding hemorrhoids symptoms, bacteria, toxins, pus bolt to invade the blood causes sepsis, etc. In addition due to hemorrhoids block out muscle lax, mucus out of the anus foreign minister time affect the surrounding skin, easy to cause itching and skin eczema. Therefore, hemorrhoids treatment should be as soon as possible!


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