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  Hangzhou medical women hemorrhoids bo anus tai hospital? Because of the gradually accelerated the pace of life and work pressure is more and more big, the people to exercise more and less time. Especially some hectic on my homework every day and family this is especially true of women, is because of that, also more and more modern women, long piles. Below we to say women symptoms in patients with hemorrhoids, and female long haemorrhoid what will harm.










1, female long hemorrhoids can cause skin disease. This is because, long-term hemorrhoids disease often lead to diseases such as constipation, and this kind of disease can make a patient related toxins can't normal eduction, perhaps say leading to accumulate more harmful substances in the body. In this case, the patient often happens skin conditions such as acne, accumulation of pigment, long spot.
2, female long piles may cause obesity. Long piles are perhaps and bad living habits of patients there is a lot of related. , for example, many people have long piles inactivity, often long wait for habits, these habits formed the piles together, often also can constitute the body fat.
3, women long piles may cause inflammation of department of gynaecology. Hemorrhoids to anorectal parts of a disease, but when patients with anorectal area has been more and more damage often can cause inflammation, inflammation and tend to infection to the patient's reproductive system, and then cause disease of department of gynaecology.
4, if pregnant mother long piles, it will affect the health of the pregnant mother and the fetus. Due to various reasons, pregnant mother often more than the average person short long piles. Hemorrhoids can bring damage to pregnant mother a lot of, for example, can cause pregnant mother repeated hemorrhage patients, causing anemia, etc., and then affect the health of the pregnant mother and the fetus.
5, in severe cases, rare female long piles may cause colorectal cancer. Clinically, there are many patients with rectal cancer are caused by hemorrhoids worsening of cancer. Experts and discrimination, the occurrence of colorectal cancer and long hemorrhoids must contact.


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