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  In our days of hemorrhoids is a common disease, hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital said the reason of hemorrhoids durable at sitting is very may cause hemorrhoids, indicated day according to our experience, sedentary or long the station make of submucosal anal rectum and anal canal skin congestion, expansion of the venous plexus and force of vein group.






  ④职业性原因:杭州医博肛泰医院说痔疮的原因-站立或坐。因直立或静坐姿态,肛门盲肠居人体下部,痔静脉回流不畅。In our days of hemorrhoids is a common disease, hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital said the reason of hemorrhoids durable at sitting is very may cause hemorrhoids, indicated day according to our experience, sedentary or long the station make of submucosal anal rectum and anal canal skin congestion, expansion of the venous plexus and force of vein group.

Hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital says the cause of hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids common cause has the following several aspects:
1) owe good shit habits: hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital said the cause of hemorrhoids - on the toilet hole reading a newspaper now, squats and defecate time extension, simple form your anus cecum blood stasis and cause disease.
(2) abnormal defecate hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital said the cause of hemorrhoids - : diarrhea and constipation are important causes of hemorrhoids, constipation is a threat to large, long-term accumulation of excrement and urine, influence the blood circulation, cause hemorrhoids.
(3) diet: hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital said the cause of hemorrhoids - in our daily life, water is too little, long-term drinking, or people like eating spicy food, with wine and spicy things can affect the digestive tract mucosa, vasodilation, simple form tumors.
(4) occupational reasons: hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital said the cause of hemorrhoids - long standing or sitting for a long time. For standing or sitting posture, anal cecum in the lower part of the body, hemorrhoid venous return.


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