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  Hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital said hemorrhoids reason - why chairman hemorrhoids? Although many friends know hemorrhoids, but understanding of hemorrhoids is only stay in appearance, don't know why high incidence of piles in deep. Anorectal hospital prompt, to grasp the causes of hemorrhoids, in daily life, preparedness and alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

杭州医博肛泰医院痔疮原因-为什么会长痔疮? 许多朋友虽然了解痔疮,但对痔疮的了解只是停留在外表,并不清楚痔疮高发的深层原因。 肛肠医院提示,把握痔疮的病因,有利于日常日子中,防备和缓解痔疮的症状。






Hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital said hemorrhoids reason - why chairman hemorrhoids? Although many friends know hemorrhoids, but understanding of hemorrhoids is only stay in appearance, don't know why high incidence of piles in deep. Anorectal hospital prompt, to grasp the causes of hemorrhoids, in daily life, preparedness and alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
Many causes of hemorrhoids hemorrhoids hangzhou medical hospital say hemorrhoids cause - bo anus tai, generally thought to be associated with the following factors:
1, sedentary or long standing: hangzhou d say hemorrhoids cause anus tai hospital trust many people know that the sedentary get hemorrhoids, but with proper part of the people don't know for a long time will also have to piles, because the person is in standing or sitting, anal rectum is located at the bottom, because was squeezed by gravity and other organs, influence blood backflow, ein brief expansion force, so people often stand or sit short piles.
2, squat toilet too long: hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital said haemorrhoid causes a lot of people like to read the newspaper in the toilet of cent, euphemistically called save time, actually this is a very owe good habits, squat toilet too long can make the intra-abdominal pressure to add, hinder the venous blood flow, and then cause hemorrhoids, so have this bad habit should be change in time, prevent hemorrhoids.
3, the anus site infection hangzhou bo anus tai hospital said haemorrhoid causes: the anus site infection is one of the main cause of hemorrhoids, with medical words to explain is hemorrhoids CongXian due to acute or chronic infection, inflammation, venous wall elastic tissue fibrosis and become weak gradually, the lack of resistance to extension of varicose, and other reasons, to gradually increase, varicose veins to generate hemorrhoids prolapse.
Medical, food problem: about 4 hangzhou bo anus tai hospital say hemorrhoids cause many people like to drink and eat spicy food, but these are the main culprit of hemorrhoids. Because these foods affect sexual strong, eating too much a brief influence the anus and rectum, make hyperaemia of hemorrhoid venous plexus, affect the venous blood backflow, causes the venous wall resistance drop, then cause hemorrhoids.


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