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  See haemorrhoid to hangzhou bo anus tai hospital? Anorectal hospital is introduced: hemorrhoids because of rectum ends up after varicose vein plexus produced a kind of disease. In life, long standing sedentary, long time constipation, eating too much influence the production of hemorrhoids caused very brief, when you find you have the following conditions occur, to alert hemorrhoids:

痔疮杭州医博肛泰医院? 肛肠医院介绍:痔疮是因为直肠结尾静脉丛产生曲张后构成的一种疾病。看痔疮来杭州医博肛泰医院在生活中,久站久坐、长时刻便秘、饮食过于影响等都十分简略引起痔疮的产生,当您发现有以下状况产生时,要警觉痔疮:




  4、大便异常:腹泻和大便秘结均是痔疮的重要致病原因。大便秘结是的祸源,看痔疮来杭州医博肛泰医院盲肠内长时刻停留有毒物质不仅可引发盲肠恶变 ,且粪便堆积,影响血液循环。用力解出单调粪块,必定会使肛门承受较大压力,产生瘀血、胀肿、裂口等一系列病理变化。腹泻常是结肠疾病的医学表现,腹泻也能使肛门部分感染机遇增多,产生肛窦炎、炎性外痔、肛周脓肿等疾病。

See haemorrhoid to hangzhou bo anus tai hospital? Anorectal hospital is introduced: hemorrhoids because of rectum ends up after varicose vein plexus produced a kind of disease. In life, long standing sedentary, long time constipation, eating too much influence the production of hemorrhoids caused very brief, when you find you have the following conditions occur, to alert hemorrhoids:
1, slow disease: such as long time owe good nutrition, physical weakness, cause anal sphincter lax. Long time to develop slowly, bronchitis, emphysema, composed abdominal pressure rise, cough and gasp the pelvic blood stasis. Slow hepatitis, cirrhosis, are all anorectal diseases such as diarrhea, colitis cause.
2, owe good habits: shit on the toilet hole reading a newspaper now, squats and defecate time extension, brief constitute the anus in the cecum blood stasis and cause disease.
3, diet: long time to drink or to eat spicy food, with wine and spicy things can affect the digestive tract mucosa, see haemorrhoid to hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital vasodilation, flocculant colon function mess, anorectal diseases pathogenic rate significantly increased.
4, abnormal stool: diarrhea and constipation are important causes of hemorrhoids. Constipation is one of the biggest culprits, cecum long time stay in toxic substances can cause not only cecum, malignant transformation and accumulation of excrement and urine, affect the circulation of the blood. Hard to work out drab poop, will surely make the anus under high pressure, blood stasis, bulging swollen, fissure and a series of pathological changes. Diarrhea is often the medical performance of colon disease, diarrhea part also can make the anus infection increased opportunities, anal sinusitis, inflammatory diseases such as external piles, crissum abscess.








See haemorrhoid to hangzhou bo anus tai hospital? Common symptoms of hemorrhoids:
1, constipation: because of feces in the gut stay time is too long cause faeces inside the moisture is absorbed again, and then cause waste of dry, a condition in which a person hard to defecation. Long time of patients with constipation a brief lead to generate anger make defecate, defecation time, and then induce hemorrhoids.
2, defecate haemorrhage: move bowels bleeding is the main symptoms of hemorrhoids, if you find yourself have defecate bleeding condition, be sure to alert hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids bleeding is painless, intermittent, color bright red and not mixed with waste.
3, hernia of haemorrhoids: because the volume of hemorrhoids, faecal kneading during defecation, make its gradually and muscle layer separation and outside emergence anus, light person can back, patients with serious demand with the hand back.
4, anal SAO is urticant: because of the secretions or out the influence of the haemorrhoids, make moisture around the anus unclean, eczema and itching, itching sometimes hemorrhoids prolapse caused by reflection effect.
5, and anal pain: simple hemorrhoids, generally without suffering, sometimes just feeling anal belly or bowel problems. When there are edema, inflammation, or incarcerated hemorrhoids, often cause anal pain, patients on pins and needles.
6, the anus with foreign body sensation, patients can feel anal edge protrusions have foreign body sensation, not a brief during defecation rub-up, pollution underwear.


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