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  Hangzhou medical bo anus tai hemorrhoids effect on women's hospital? Anorectal hospital, hemorrhoids is human body end of the rectum mucosa and anal canal skin venous plexus expansion and far-fetched soft vein group, formed by the external factors, therefore, hemorrhoids influence on pregnant women not directly, but has a harmful effect on pregnant women.

Suggested that women had better cure hemorrhoids after conception. If it is small piles is also able to conceive. Women during pregnancy, however, by hemorrhoids hematochezia, hernia, pain, itching, symptoms such as, the influence of the stand or fall of mood, not conducive to the growth of the fetus, serious can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, or even other obstetric complications. Hemorrhoids, therefore, although not directly affect women pregnant, it will brings a series of harm to the pregnant mother ", want to pregnant women best except for hemorrhoids.

杭州医博肛泰医院痔疮对女性的影响? 肛肠医院介绍,痔疮是人体直肠末端粘膜下和肛管皮肤下静脉丛产生扩张和牵强所构成的柔软静脉团,是外部要素,因此,痔疮对女性怀孕没有直接的影响,但会给怀孕的女性带来危害。





Anorectal hospital tip: hemorrhoids have must have the effects on pregnancy, but it's a preparedness measures, must guarantee that is usual day rule, food is delicate, stick to shit up is crucial.
After hemorrhoids patients with pregnant women, because of pelvic blood supply in add, fetal development, grew up will squeeze the uterus vein, then constitute blood is blocked and cause varicose veins; Discharge a lot of progesterone during pregnancy, e. activity weakened, constipation, plus pelvic organizations lax during pregnancy, produce at long time hard, can promote the increase of hemorrhoids.
When pregnant mother Ann is produced, because of the abdominal cavity persistent hard, varicose of arterial thrombosis in the skin around the anus will constitute scleroma, lead to severe pain. Some caesarean section maternal if testing before caesarean delivery, can also lead to the same conditions.


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