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  Anorectal hospital points out, the days of piles is a very common anorectal diseases, hangzhou medical bo is anal Thai anorectal hospital? Hemorrhoids appear serious influence to people's health. For now, the incidence of hemorrhoids is becoming more and more high. Following the occurrence of hemorrhoids, there will be many symptoms. So hemorrhoids patients is bound to find out the reason to the hospital suit the heal as soon as possible, try to cut piles of suffering.

Drinking and smoking cause hemorrhoids odds big? Hangzhou medical bo is anal Thai anorectal hospital hemorrhoids not seasonable cure, may lead to anemia, hemorrhoids necrosis, infection of the anus, about the male, can also affect the male sexual function. About generally mild hemorrhoids, can heal by day changes to diet and habits. About medium and severe hemorrhoids, demand will be drugs to cure, such as the sitz bath, topical medications, etc., under the condition of forced have to choose surgical treatment. Let's know the specific etiology is haemorrhoid?












  4、职业性原因:站立或坐。因直立或默坐姿势,肛门盲肠居人体下部,痔静脉回流不畅。Two contact, homework, long standing or sitting, load for a long time travel, affect the venous return, make hyperaemia of pelvic blood stream is slow and internal organs, cause excessive hemorrhoid venous filling, vein wall tension, expand blood vessel briefly blood stasis.

Three, anus infection, hemorrhoids CongXian due to acute or chronic infection, inflammation, venous wall elastic tissue fibrosis and become weak gradually, resistance to short, and the extension of varicose, and other reasons, to gradually deepening, varicose veins generated hemorrhoid.
Four contact, genetic, congenital thin vein wall, resistance decrease, can't tolerate pressure within the blood vessels, thus gradually expanding.
Secondly, from the point of view of individual qualities, men like to drink and smoke, that is why men high-risk hemorrhoids.
1, owe good habits: shit on the toilet hole reading a newspaper now, squats and defecate time extension, brief constitute the anus in the cecum blood stasis and cause disease. On the toilet when smoking can cushion the brain defecate reflex, constipation very briefly. Shit too hard, some people whether shit feeling, blind whipped out gas continuously, can only make the cecum anus and pelvic floor muscles increase unnecessary take part with blood stasis, causing disease and extension.
2, defecate disorder: diarrhea and constipation are important causes of hemorrhoids. Stay, constipation is the root of appendix in long-term toxic substances can cause not only appendix lesions, and waste accumulation, affect the circulation of the blood. Hard to work out drab poop, will surely make the anus accept high pressure, blood stasis, bulging swollen, tear and a series of pathological changes. Diarrhea is often the medical performance of colon disease, diarrhea can make anal part to increased infection, anal sinusitis, inflammatory diseases such as external piles, crissum abscess.
3, slow disease: such as long-term nutrient owe good, frail, cause anal sphincter lax. Long-term slow, bronchitis, emphysema, composed abdominal pressure rise, cough and gasp the pelvic blood stasis. Slow hepatitis, cirrhosis, diarrhea, colitis is anorectal disease cause, etc. So should pay attention to in the prevention and treatment of the patient's general condition, choose reasonable and effective prevention measures.
4, professional reasons: long standing or sitting for a long time. Due to sit upright or posture, anal cecum in the lower part of the body, hemorrhoid venous return.



5, diet reasons: in the daily life, eating regular or diet kinds unavoidably alteration, it is very natural. Such as fine coarse food quality, quantity and change of the vegetable species increase or decrease, such as protein, fat, starch, cellulose content of how many, moisture is taken, can directly affect the waste composition, lead to anal appendix disease. People like eating spicy food or drink, just for a long time, with wine and spicy things can affect the digestive tract mucosa, vasodilation, colon function disorder, anorectal diseases pathogenic rate significantly increased.
6, physiological reasons: colon, caecum, for the transport of food residue, preserve the primary organs of excrement and urine, and decomposition of food by the body to absorb, the residue often with a lot of harmful substances, long-term stay in caecum, colon can cause cancer.


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