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  Hemorrhoids disease associated with homework? On the basis of long anorectal hospital doctors hemorrhoids hemorrhoids patients caused by the majority of people are sedentary. The account such as office assistant, tube, taxi drivers, fixed staff, he who loves playing computer, etc. Meanwhile, part of the patients are always loves to sit upholstered seat and soft sofa, the situation will be a brief lead to hemorrhoids.

痔疮发病与作业有关吗?依据长 肛肠医院痔疮医生介绍,痔疮患者大部分人都是久坐导致的。例如办公室文员、管帐、出租车司机、修正人员、喜爱玩电脑的人等。其间,一部分患者往常都较为喜爱坐软垫的坐椅和软沙发,这样的情况就会简略导致痔疮产生。






  所以说,痔疮患者跟作业有很大的联系。 肛肠医院医生提示咱们痔疮发病与作业有关吗,不要为了一时的便利而导致自己患有痔疮,往常就要养成杰出的日子习惯。久坐的人可以多运动,不要一坐便是半响,这样对身体欠好,对消化也欠好。

Hemorrhoids disease associated with homework:
Anorectal doctor introduction, insist for a long time sitting position cause abdominal blood flow at a slower pace, will stop the blood circulation, lower limb venous blood can't return, blood circulation suffocate suffocate, rectum may cause varicose vein plexus, blood sedimentation, form a group of vein, this is hemorrhoids. When people long-term sitting in the soft sofa, sofa, trapped in the body blood circulation will stop, and then induce or aggravate hemorrhoids condition, a soft chair also have such a role.
Is marked by the query, the incidence of hemorrhoids is close to 30%, and with the increase of age, incidence increased, especially the elderly over the age of 40 is a high-risk groups. However, the method in recent years with people day and job changes, the onset of hemorrhoids crowd has a trend of younger age, 20 to 30 s or even higher incidence of young and middle-aged.
From the point of operation, the people engaged in sedentary, less operation incidence is higher, especially the office operation personnel, teachers, secretaries, computer operators, such as correction "office workers".
Long-term adherence to the sitting position, especially when sitting on a soft seat, abdominal blood flow speed will slow, lower limb venous blood can't return, blood circulation by blocking, in this case, the rectum varicose vein plexus briefly, blood sedimentation, ultimately form a vein group, this is hemorrhoids. Together, sedentary for a long time can make anus department shortage of activity, make the anus department muscle elasticity decreased, shorten the strength weakening, rectal mucosa decline, the same can also lead to hemorrhoids generate or hemorrhoids.
So, hemorrhoids patients have a lot of contact with homework. Anorectal hospital doctors suggest us, not for a moment of convenience into suffering from hemorrhoids, always will be the outstanding day habit. Long-term sedentary people to exercise more, don't sit is a half ring, owe good to the body, so also owe good for digestion.


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